Below are an extended selection of books and articles from across the academic landscape which consider gender and educational achievement. There is, of course, some overlap between other indicators of educational achievement but they all consider gender as a factor.
Archer, L., & Francis, B. (2006). Understanding minority ethnic achievement: Race, gender, class and ‘success’. Routledge.
Eccles, J. S. (2014). Gender and achievement choices. Societal contexts of child development: Pathways of influence and implications for practice and policy, 19-34.
Epstein, D. (1998). Failing boys?: Issues in gender and achievement. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
Francis, B., & Skelton, C. (2005). Reassessing gender and achievement: Questioning contemporary key debates. Psychology Press.
Meece, J. L., & Courtney, D. P. (1992). Gender differences in students’ perceptions: Consequences for achievement-related choices. Student perceptions in the classroom, 209-228.
Ai, X. (1999). Creativity and academic achievement: An investigation of gender differences. Creativity Research Journal, 12(4), 329-337.
Alan, S., Ertac, S., & Mumcu, I. (2018). Gender stereotypes in the classroom and effects on achievement. Review of Economics and Statistics, 100(5), 876-890.
Baser, M. (2013). Attitude, gender and achievement in computer programming. Online Submission, 14(2), 248-255.
Becker, B. J. (1989). Gender and science achievement: A reanalysis of studies from two meta‐analyses. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26(2), 141-169.
Bolger, N., & Kellaghan, T. (1990). Method of measurement and gender differences in scholastic achievement. Journal of Educational Measurement, 27(2), 165-174.
Bornholt, L. J., Goodnow, J. J., & Cooney, G. H. (1994). Influences of gender stereotypes on adolescents’ perceptions of their own achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 31(3), 675-692.
Bottan, D., McKee, D., Orlov, G., & McDougall, A. (2022). Racial and gender achievement gaps in an economics classroom. International Review of Economics Education, 40, 100239.
Carvalho, R. G. G. (2016). Gender differences in academic achievement: The mediating role of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 54-58.
Cavaglia, C., Machin, S., McNally, S., & Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2020). Gender, achievement, and subject choice in English education. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36(4), 816-835.
Chee, K. H., Pino, N. W., & Smith, W. L. (2005). Gender differences in the academic ethic and academic achievement. College student journal, 39(3), 604-619.
Cheema, J. R., & Galluzzo, G. (2013). Analyzing the gender gap in math achievement: Evidence from a large-scale US sample. Research in Education, 90(1), 98-112.
Cobb-Clark, D. A., & Moschion, J. (2017). Gender gaps in early educational achievement. Journal of Population Economics, 30, 1093-1134.
Coleman, D. M., Perrone, E. E., Dombrowski, J., Dossett, L. A., Sears, E. D., Sandhu, G., … & Newman, E. A. (2022). Overcoming COVID-19: strategies to mitigate the perpetuated gender achievement gap. Annals of Surgery, 275(3), 435.
Daubman, K. A., Heatherington, L., & Ahn, A. (1992). Gender and the self-presentation of academic achievement. Sex Roles, 27, 187-204.
Dee, T. S. (2007). Teachers and the gender gaps in student achievement. Journal of Human resources, 42(3), 528-554.
Delaney, J., & Devereux, P. J. (2021). Gender and educational achievement: Stylized facts and causal evidence.
DiPrete, T. A., & Jennings, J. L. (2012). Social and behavioral skills and the gender gap in early educational achievement. Social Science Research, 41(1), 1-15.
Duckworth, A. L., & Seligman, M. E. (2006). Self-discipline gives girls the edge: Gender in self-discipline, grades, and achievement test scores. Journal of educational psychology, 98(1), 198.
Else-Quest, N. M., Mineo, C. C., & Higgins, A. (2013). Math and science attitudes and achievement at the intersection of gender and ethnicity. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(3), 293-309.
Elwood, J. (2005). Gender and achievement: what have exams got to do with it?. Oxford Review of Education, 31(3), 373-393.
Eriksson, K., Björnstjerna, M., & Vartanova, I. (2020). The relation between gender egalitarian values and gender differences in academic achievement. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 236.
Falch, T., & Naper, L. R. (2013). Educational evaluation schemes and gender gaps in student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 36, 12-25.
Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (1997). Gender differences in educational achievement in a New Zealand birth cohort. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 32, 83-96.
Fortin, N. M., Oreopoulos, P., & Phipps, S. (2015). Leaving boys behind gender disparities in high academic achievement. Journal of Human Resources, 50(3), 549-579.
Francis, B., Robson, J., & Read, B. (2001). An analysis of undergraduate writing styles in the context of gender and achievement. Studies in Higher Education, 26(3), 313-326.
Freeman*, J. (2004). Cultural influences on gifted gender achievement. High Ability Studies, 15(1), 7-23.
Gevrek, Z. E., Gevrek, D., & Neumeier, C. (2020). Explaining the gender gaps in mathematics achievement and attitudes: The role of societal gender equality. Economics of Education Review, 76, 101978.
Gibb, S. J., Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2008). Gender differences in educational achievement to age 25. Australian Journal of Education, 52(1), 63-80.
Graham, S., & Taylor, A. Z. (2002). Ethnicity, gender, and the development of achievement values. In Development of achievement motivation (pp. 121-146). Academic Press.
Greenfield, T. A. (1996). Gender, ethnicity, science achievement, and attitudes. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 33(8), 901-933.
Hackett, G., Betz, N. E., Casas, J. M., & Rocha-Singh, I. A. (1992). Gender, ethnicity, and social cognitive factors predicting the academic achievement of students in engineering. Journal of counseling Psychology, 39(4), 527.
Hadjar, A., Krolak-Schwerdt, S., Priem, K., & Glock, S. (2014). Gender and educational achievement. Educational Research, 56(2), 117-125.
Hampton, N. Z., & Mason, E. (2003). Learning disabilities, gender, sources of efficacy, self-efficacy beliefs, and academic achievement in high school students. Journal of school psychology, 41(2), 101-112.
Harker, R. (2000). Achievement, gender and the single-sex/coed debate. British journal of sociology of education, 21(2), 203-218.
Heyman, G. D., Martyna, B., & Bhatia, S. (2002). Gender and achievement-related beliefs among engineering students. Journal of women and minorities in science and engineering, 8(1).
Hoffmann, F., & Oreopoulos, P. (2009). A professor like me the influence of instructor gender on college achievement. Journal of human resources, 44(2), 479-494.
Hubbard, L. (2005). The role of gender in academic achievement. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 18(5), 605-623.
Hwang, N., & Fitzpatrick, B. (2021). Student–teacher gender matching and academic achievement. AERA Open, 7, 23328584211040058.
Jones*, S., & Myhill, D. (2004). ‘Troublesome boys’ and ‘compliant girls’: Gender identity and perceptions of achievement and underachievement. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(5), 547-561.
Katz, S., Allbritton, D., Aronis, J., Wilson, C., & Soffa, M. L. (2006). Gender, achievement, and persistence in an undergraduate computer science program. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 37(4), 42-57.
Khesht-Masjedi, M. F., Shokrgozar, S., Abdollahi, E., Habibi, B., Asghari, T., Ofoghi, R. S., & Pazhooman, S. (2019). The relationship between gender, age, anxiety, depression, and academic achievement among teenagers. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 8(3), 799.
Kirkpatrick, H., & Cuban, L. (1998). Should we be worried? What the research says about gender differences in access, use, attitudes, and achievement with computers. Educational technology, 38(4), 56-61.
Lai, F. (2010). Are boys left behind? The evolution of the gender achievement gap in Beijing’s middle schools. Economics of Education Review, 29(3), 383-399.
Legewie, J., & DiPrete, T. A. (2012). School context and the gender gap in educational achievement. American sociological review, 77(3), 463-485.
Lietz, P. (2006). A meta-analysis of gender differences in reading achievement at the secondary school level. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 32(4), 317-344.
Machin, S., & McNally, S. (2005). Gender and student achievement in English schools. Oxford review of economic policy, 21(3), 357-372.
Marcenaro–Gutierrez, O., Lopez–Agudo, L. A., & Ropero-García, M. A. (2018). Gender differences in adolescents’ academic achievement. Young, 26(3), 250-270.
Mattern, N., & Schau, C. (2002). Gender differences in science attitude‐achievement relationships over time among white middle‐school students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 39(4), 324-340.
Matthews, J. S., Ponitz, C. C., & Morrison, F. J. (2009). Early gender differences in self-regulation and academic achievement. Journal of educational psychology, 101(3), 689.
McGraw, R., Lubienski, S. T., & Strutchens, M. E. (2006). A closer look at gender in NAEP mathematics achievement and affect data: Intersections with achievement, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 37(2), 129-150.
Miyake, A., Kost-Smith, L. E., Finkelstein, N. D., Pollock, S. J., Cohen, G. L., & Ito, T. A. (2010). Reducing the gender achievement gap in college science: A classroom study of values affirmation. Science, 330(6008), 1234-1237.
Muller, C. (1998). Gender differences in parental involvement and adolescents’ mathematics achievement. Sociology of Education, 336-356.
Mullis, I. V., Martin, M. O., Fierros, E. G., Goldberg, A. L., & Stemler, S. E. (2000). Gender differences in achievement. International Study Center, Lynch School of Education, Boston College.
Naderi, H., Abdullah, R., Aizan, H. T., & Sharir, J. (2010). Intelligence and academic achievement: an investigation of gender differences. Life science journal, 7(1), 83-87.
Naderi, H., Abdullah, R., Aizan, H. T., Sharir, J., & Kumar, V. (2010). Relationship between creativity and academic achievement: A study of gender differences. Journal of American Science, 6(1), 181-190.
Naderi, H., Abdullah, R., Aizan, H. T., Sharir, J., & Kumar, V. (2009). Self-esteem, gender and academic achievement of undergraduate students. American Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1), 26-37.
Oludipe, D. I. (2012). Gender difference in Nigerian junior secondary students’ academic achievement in basic science. Journal of educational and social research, 2(1), 93-99.
Pajares, F., & Valiante, G. (2001). Gender differences in writing motivation and achievement of middle school students: A function of gender orientation?. Contemporary educational psychology, 26(3), 366-381.
Parker, P. D., Schoon, I., Tsai, Y. M., Nagy, G., Trautwein, U., & Eccles, J. S. (2012). Achievement, agency, gender, and socioeconomic background as predictors of postschool choices: a multicontext study. Developmental psychology, 48(6), 1629.
Penner, A. M. (2008). Gender differences in extreme mathematical achievement: An international perspective on biological and social factors. American Journal of Sociology, 114(S1), S138-S170.
Penner, A. M., & Paret, M. (2008). Gender differences in mathematics achievement: Exploring the early grades and the extremes. Social Science Research, 37(1), 239-253.
Pollard, D. S. (1993). Gender, achievement, and African-American students’ perceptions of their school experience. Educational Psychologist, 28(4), 341-356.
Reardon, S. F., Fahle, E. M., Kalogrides, D., Podolsky, A., & Zárate, R. C. (2019). Gender achievement gaps in US school districts. American Educational Research Journal, 56(6), 2474-2508.
Reardon, S. F., Fahle, E. M., Kalogrides, D., Podolsky, A., & Zárate, R. C. (2019). Gender achievement gaps in US school districts. American Educational Research Journal, 56(6), 2474-2508.
Reynolds, M. R., Scheiber, C., Hajovsky, D. B., Schwartz, B., & Kaufman, A. S. (2015). Gender differences in academic achievement: Is writing an exception to the gender similarities hypothesis?. The Journal of genetic psychology, 176(4), 211-234.
Robinson, J. P., & Lubienski, S. T. (2011). The development of gender achievement gaps in mathematics and reading during elementary and middle school: Examining direct cognitive assessments and teacher ratings. American Educational Research Journal, 48(2), 268-302.
Scheiber, C., Reynolds, M. R., Hajovsky, D. B., & Kaufman, A. S. (2015). Gender differences in achievement in a large, nationally representative sample of children and adolescents. Psychology in the Schools, 52(4), 335-348.
Senad, B., Amna, B. Č., & Edda, P. (2021). Exploring the relationship between language learning strategies, academic achievement, grade level, and gender. Journal of Language and Education, 7(2 (26)), 93-106.
Shekhar, C., & Devi, R. (2012). Achievement motivation across gender and different academic majors. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 2(2), 105.
Strand, S. (2014). School effects and ethnic, gender and socio-economic gaps in educational achievement at age 11. Oxford Review of Education, 40(2), 223-245.
Stump, G. S., Hilpert, J. C., Husman, J., Chung, W. T., & Kim, W. (2011). Collaborative learning in engineering students: Gender and achievement. Journal of engineering education, 100(3), 475-497.
Taplin, M., & Jegede, O. (2001). Gender differences in factors influencing achievement of distance education students. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 16(2), 133-154.
Tate, W. F. (1997). Race-Ethnicity, SES, Gender, and Lanuage Proficiency Trends in Mathematics Achievement: An Update. Journal for research in mathematics education, 28(6), 652-679.
Tocci, C. M., & Engelhard Jr, G. (1991). Achievement, parental support and gender differences in attitudes toward mathematics. The Journal of Educational Research, 84(5), 280-287.
Tsui, M. (2007). Gender and mathematics achievement in China and the United States. Gender Issues, 24, 1-11.
Verbree, A. R., Hornstra, L., Maas, L., & Wijngaards-de Meij, L. (2023). Conscientiousness as a predictor of the gender gap in academic achievement. Research in higher education, 64(3), 451-472.
Voyer, D., & Voyer, S. D. (2014). Gender differences in scholastic achievement: a meta-analysis. Psychological bulletin, 140(4), 1174.
Workman, J., & Heyder, A. (2020). Gender achievement gaps: the role of social costs to trying hard in high school. Social Psychology of Education, 23(6), 1407-1427.