Everyday Health

Everyday Health draws upon the Sociology of health, a branch of sociology that studies the role of health in society, to show how this relates to the everyday. Health refers to the state of physical, mental, and social well-being that affects individuals and groups. Sociology of health examines how health influences and is influenced by social factors, such as culture, class, race, gender, age, religion, and environment. It also explores how health affects and is affected by social outcomes, such as social participation, social cohesion, social justice, social change, and social problems. Sociology of health is an interdisciplinary field that draws on various theories and methods from sociology, medicine, psychology, anthropology, biology, and more. It covers a wide range of topics and issues, such as health systems, health policies, health behaviors, health beliefs, health inequalities, health risks, health promotion, health prevention, and health care.Our category of everyday health provides you with the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on this fascinating and important field. You will find articles and texts that introduce you to the main concepts and debates in sociology of health but using everyday popular articles. You will also find case studies and examples that illustrate how sociology of health applies to different aspects and dimensions of health, such as physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, and social health. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a researcher, or a practitioner in sociology of health, our category will help you expand your knowledge and understanding of the health dimension of social life.

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