Everyday Disability

Disability is not just a medical or personal issue, but a social one. Everyday sociology of disability considers how society creates and responds to disability, and how disability affects people’s lives and identities in the everyday. It rejects the idea that disability is a problem or defect that needs to be fixed or cured, and instead shows how disability is a result of social and cultural factors, such as discrimination, oppression, and exclusion.In this category, you will find articles that cover different topics in everyday sociology of disability, such as how the social model of disability emerged and evolved, how disability intersects with other aspects of social identity, such as race, gender, and class, how global issues, such as poverty, war, and migration, influence disability, how disabled people are represented and involved in the media and politics, how education and work can be more inclusive and accessible for disabled people, and how the disability rights movement fights for justice and equality. You will also discover some sociological theories and approaches that shape the sociology of disability, such as Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, phenomenology, and critical disability studies. If you want to learn more about how society and disability interact and influence each other, this category is for you.

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