Sociology of Disability

Sociology of disability is a subfield of sociology that examines how disability is socially constructed and experienced by individuals and groups in society. It challenges the medical or deviant views of disability that focus on individual impairments or deficits, and instead highlights the role of social structures, cultural norms, and power relations in creating and maintaining disability as a form of inequality and oppression.In this category, you will find articles that explain various areas of sociology of disability, such as the origins and development of the social model of disability, the intersectionality of disability with other social categories such as race, gender, and class, the impact of globalisation, poverty, and war on producing and reproducing disability, the representation and participation of disabled people in the media and politics, the barriers and opportunities for inclusive education and employment for disabled people, and the activism and resistance of the disability rights movement. You will also learn about some sociological theories and perspectives that inform the sociology of disability, such as Marxism, feminism, postmodernism, phenomenology, and critical disability studies. If you are interested in how disability shapes and is shaped by society, this category is for you.

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